
  • E-Cell Project is an international research project aiming to model and reconstruct biological phenomena in silico, and developing necessary theoretical supports, technologies and software platforms to allow precise whole cell simulation -
  • The portal for the Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML), a free and open interchange format for computer models of biological processes. SBML is useful for models of metabolism, cell signaling, and more. It has been in development by an international community since the year 2000 -
  • The SABIO-RK (System for the Analysis of Biochemical Pathways – Reaction Kinetics) Web Service provides customizable points of entry into the SABIO-RK system in a language independent fashion. Using this Web service, users can write their own clients to customize and automate access to SABIO-RK directly from their simulation software, tools or databases, thereby negating the need to manually parse information from Web pages -
  • MIRIAM Resources are a set of online services created in support of MIRIAM (Minimal Information Required In the Annotation of Models), a set of guidelines for the annotation and curation of computational models -
  • BioModels Database is a repository of peer-reviewed, published, computational models. These mathematical models are primarily from the field of systems biology, but more generally are those of biological interest. This resource allows biologists to store, search and retrieve published mathematical models. In addition, models in the database can be used to generate sub-models, can be simulated online, and can be converted between different representational formats. This resource also features programmatic access via Web Services -
  • The CellML language is an open standard based on the XML markup language. CellML is being developed by the Auckland Bioengineering Institute at the University of Auckland and affiliated research groups -
  • The list of processed model exposures, which are models that have documentation pages generated from the metadata they contain -
  • Covert systems biology lab -
  • A collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing our knowledge on the molecular interaction and reaction networks -
  • Web-site of the Institute for Systems Biology SPb -
  • Systems and Synthetic Biology –
  • How to write the scientific paper (in Russian) –